Monday, March 1, 2010

letter 156

Ai Du La

Ai Ni Sha
Each characters explains as follows:
Ai meaning: Beautiful
Du meaning: High degree
La meaning: Hot
Ai meaning: Beautiful
Ni meaning: Darling
Sha meaning: Herb
Traditional Chinese names are often represented by three characters; the first character represents your family name whilst the next two characters constitute your given name.
Ai Ai Ni

AI in Chinese is a girl who is youthful, sweet and kind to others. Men find you beautiful, parents adore your good-natured spirit and friends admire your generosity and kindness.

AI in Chinese is a girl who is youthful, sweet and kind to others. Men find you beautiful, parents adore your good-natured spirit and friends admire your generosity and kindness.

NI in Chinese is Darling or young girl. Your parents dote on you, perhaps because you are the only girl or are the youngest in their brood. Your looks belie your maturity, which surprises many people considering your playful nature.

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